Матричная лаборатория MatLab


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Вызов списка демонстрационных примеров

Одним из самых эффективных методов знакомства со сложными математическими системами является ознакомление со встроенными примерами их применения.

Система MATLAB содержит многие сотни таких примеров — практически по примеру на каждый оператор или функцию. Наиболее поучительные примеры можно найти в разделе demos, исполнив команду

» help demos

Ниже представлен выводимый этой командой список примеров:

» help demos

Examples and demonstrations.

Type 'demo' at the command line to browse more demos of

MATLAB. the Toolboxes, and SIMULINK.


Demo - Browse demos for MATLAB. Toolboxes, and SIMULINK.


Intro - Introduction to basic matrix operations in MATLAB. 

Inverter - Demonstrate the inversion of a matrix. 

Buckydem - Connectivity graph of the Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome. 

Sparsity - Demonstrate effect of sparsity orderings.

Matmanip - Introduction to matrix manipulation.

Eigmovie - Symmetric eigenvalue movie.

Rrefmovie - Computation of Reduced Row Echelon Form.

Delsqdemo - Finite difference Laplacian on various domains.

Sepdemo - Separators for a finite element mesh.

Airfoil - Display sparse matrix from NASA airfoil.

Eigshow - Graphical demonstration of matrix eigenvalues.

Svdshow - Graphical demonstration of matrix singular values.


Funfuns - Demonstrate functions that operate on other functions.

Fitdemo - Nonlinear curve fit with simplex algorithm.

Sunspots - FFT: the answer is 11.08, what .is the question?

e2pi - 2D visual solutions: Which is greater. e~pi or pi x e?

bench - MATLAB Benchmark.

Fftdemo - Use of the fast finite Fourier transform.

Census - Try to predict the US population in the year 2000.

spline2d - Demonstrate GINPUT and SPLINE in two dimensions.

Lotkademo - An example of ordinary differential equation solution.

Quaddemo - Adaptive quadrature.

Zerodemo - Zerofinding with fzero.

Fplotdemo - Plot a function.

Quake - Loma Prieta Earthquake.

Qhulldemo - Tessellation and interpolation of scattered data.


graf2d - 2D Plots: Demonstrate XY plots in MATLAB.

graf2d2 - 3D Plots: Demonstrate XYZ plots in MATLAB.

Grafcplx - Demonstrate complex function plots in MATLAB.

Lorenz - Plot the orbit around the Lorenz chaotic attractor.

Imageext - Image colormaps: changing and rotating colormaps.

Xpklein - Klein bottle demo.

Vibes - Vibration movie: Vibrating L-shaped membrane.

Xpsound - Visualizing sound: Demonstrate MATLAB 's sound capability.

Imagederno - Demonstrate MATLAB 's image capability.

Penny - Several views of the penny data.

Earthmap - View Earth's topography.

Xfourier - Graphic demo of Fourier series expansion.

Colormenu - Select color map.

Cplxdemo - Maps of functions of a complex variable.


Xplang - Introduction to the MATLAB language.

Hndlgraf - Demonstrate Handle Graphics for line plots.

grafSd - Demonstrate Handle Graphics for surface plots.

Hndlaxis - Demonstrate Handle Graphics for axes.

MATLAB/Differential equations.

Odedemo - Demo for the MATLAB Differential Equation solvers.

odeexamples - Browse the MATLAB ODE/DAE/BVP/PDE examples.


Ballode - Demo of a bouncing ball.

Brussode - Stiff problem modelling a chemical reaction (Brusselator).

burgersode - Burger's equation solved using a moving mesh technique.

femlode - Stiff problem with a time-dependent mass matrix.

fem2ode - Stiff problem with a constant mass matrix.

hblode - Stiff problem 1 of Hindmarsh and Byrne.

Orbitode - Restricted three body problem.

Rigidode - Euler equations of a rigid body without external forces.

.Vdpode - Parameterizable van der Pol equation (stiff for large mu).


hbldae - Stiff DAE from a conservation law.

ampldae - Stiff OAE from an electrical circuit.


Twobvp - BVP that has exactly two solutions.

mat4bvp - Find the fourth eigenvalue of the Mathieu's equation.

Shockbvp - The solution has a shock layer near x = 0.


pdexl - Example 1 for PDEPE

pdex2 - Example 2 for PDEPE

pdex3 - Example 3 for POEPE

pdex4 - Example 4 for PDEPE

pdexS - Example 5 for PDEPE


Knot - Tube surrounding a three-dimensional knot.

Quivdemo - Demonstrate the quiver function.

kleinl - Construct a Klein bottle.

Cruller - Construct cruller.

tori4 - Hoops: Construct four linked tori.

spharm2 - Construct spherical surface harmonic.

Modes - Plot 12 modes of the L-shaped membrane.

Logo - Display the MATLAB L-shaped membrane logo.


Fifteen - Sliding puzzle.

Xpbombs - Minesweeper game.

Life - Conway's Game of Life.

Soma - Soma cube.

Extras/Mi seel laneous .

Truss - Animation of a bending bridge truss.

Travel . - Traveling salesman problem.

Spinner - Colorful lines spinning through space.

Xpquad - Superquadrics plotting demonstration.

Codec - Alphabet transposition coder/decoder.

Xphide - Visual perception of objects in motion.

Makevase - Generate and plot a surface of revolution.

Wrldtrv - Great circle flight routes around the globe.

Logospin - Movie of The MathWorks' logo spinning.

Crulspin - Spinning cruller movie.

Quatdemo - Quaternion rotation.

Chaingui - Matrix chain multiplication optimization.

General Demo/Helper functions.

Cmdlnwin - Demo gateway routine for playing command line demos.

Cmdlnbgn - Set up for command line demos.

Cmdlnend - Clean up after command line demos.

Finddemo - Find demos available for individual toolboxes.

Helpfun - Utility function for displaying help text conveniently.

Pltmat - Display a matrix in a figure window.

MATLAB/Helper functions.

Bucky - The graph of the Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome.

Peaks - A sample function of two variables.

Membrane - Generate MathWorks' logo. 


demos Is both a directory and a function. 

DEMOS Demo list for the CDMA Reference Blockset.

Мы настоятельно рекомендуем пользователям системы MATLAB просмотреть с десяток примеров из интересующих их областей. Это займет от силы полчаса или даже меньше, но зато позволит оценить поистине неисчерпаемые возможности системы при решении сложных математических и физических задач, а также превосходные средства графической визуализации решений.

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