MATLAB имеет интерактивную систему помощи, которая реализуется в командном режиме с помощью ряда команд. Одной из них является команда
» help
которая выводит весь список папок, содержащих m-файлы с определениями операторов, функций и иных объектов, присущих конкретной реализации системы MATLAB. Ниже приводится этот список для системы MATLAB 6.0:
HELP topics: |
matlab\general |
- General purpose commands. |
matlab\ops |
- Operators and special characters. |
matlab\lang |
- Programming language constructs. |
matlab\elmat |
- Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. |
matlab\elfun |
- Elementary math functions. |
matlab\specfun |
- Specialized math functions. |
matlab\matfun |
- Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. |
matlab\datafun |
- Data analysis and Fourier transforms. |
matlab\audio |
- Audio support. |
matlab\polyfun |
- Interpolation and polynomials. |
matlab\funfun |
- Function functions and ODE solvers. |
matlab\sparfun |
- Sparse matrices. |
matlab\graph2d |
- Two dimensional graphs. |
matlab\graph3d |
- Three dimensional graphs. |
matlab\specgraph |
- Specialized graphs. |
matlab\graphics |
- Handle Graphics. |
matlab\uitools |
- Graphical user interface tools. |
matlab\strfun |
- Character strings. |
matlab\iofun |
- File input/output. |
matlab\timefun |
- Time and dates. |
matlab\datatypes |
- Data types and structures. |
matlab\verctrl |
- Version control . |
matlab\winfun |
- Windows Operating System Interface Files (DDE/ActiveX) |
matlab\demos |
- Examples and demonstrations. |
tool box\ local |
- Preferences . |
simulink\simulink |
- Simulink |
simulink\blocks |
- Simulink block library. |
simulink\simdemos |
- Simulink 4 demonstrations and samples. |
simdemos\aerospace |
- Simulink: Aerospace model demonstrations and samples. |
simdemos\automoti ve |
- Simulink: Automotive model demonstrations and samples. |
s1mdemos\simfeatures - Simulink: Feature demonstrations and samples. |
simdemos\simgeneral |
- Simulink: General model demonstrations and samples. |
simdemos\simnew |
- Simulink: New features model demonstrations and samples. |
simulink\dee |
- Differential Equation Editor |
stateflow\statef1ow |
- Statef low |
stateflow\sfdemos |
- Statef low demonstrations and samples. |
statef low\ coder |
- Statef low Coder |
rtw\rtw |
- Real -Time Workshop |
rtw\rtwdemos |
- Real -Time Workshop Demonstrations: |
asap2\asap2 |
- (No table of contents file) |
asap2\user |
- (No table of contents file) |
cdma \cdma |
- CDMA Reference Blockset. |
cdma \cdmamasks |
- CDMA Reference Blockset mask 'helper functions. |
cdma \cdmamex |
- CDMA Reference Blockset S-Functions. |
cdma\cdmademos |
- CDMA Reference Blockset demonstrations and examples. |
commbl ks\commblks |
- Communications Blockset. |
commbl ks\commmasks |
- Communications Blockset mask helper functions. |
commbl ks\commmex |
- Communications Blockset S-functions. |
commbl ks\commbl ksdemos |
- Communications Blockset Demos. |
commbl ks\commbl ksobsol ete |
- Archived Simulink Files from Communications ToolboxVersion 1.5. |
comm\comm |
- Communications Toolbox. |
comm\commdemos |
- Communications Toolbox Demonstrations. |
comm\commobsolete |
- Archived MATLAB Files from Communications Toolbox Version 1.5. |
control \control |
- Control System Toolbox. |
control \ctrlguis |
- Control System Toolbox -- GUI support functions. |
control \ctrl obsolete |
- Control System Toolbox -- obsolete commands. |
control \ctrlutll |
- (No table of contents file) |
control \ctrl demos |
- Control System Toolbox -- Demos. |
dspblks\dspblks |
- DSP Blockset. |
dspblks\dspmasks |
- DSP Blocks'et mask helper functions. |
dspblks\dspmex |
- DSP Blockset S-Function MEX-files. |
dspblks\dspdemos |
- DSP Blockset demonstrations and examples. |
dsprtw\ut11_c |
- (No table of contents file) |
daq\daq |
- Data Acquisition Toolbox. |
daq\daqdemos |
- Data Acquisition Toolbox - Data Acquisition Demos. |
database\database |
- Database Toolbox. |
database\dbdemos |
Database Toolbox Demonstration Functions. |
database\vqb |
- Visual Query Builder functions. |
datafeed\datafeed |
- Datafeed Toolbox. |
datafeed\dfgui |
Datafeed Toolbox Graphical User Interface |
toolbox\dlals |
- Dials & Gauges Blockset |
tool box\exl Ink |
- (No table of contents file) |
fil terdesl gn\ filterdesi gn |
- Filter Design Toolbox. |
filterdesi gn\quantl zati on |
- (No table of contents file) |
fi1terdesi gn\ filtdesdemos |
- Filter Design Toolbox Demonstrations. |
finderiv\finderiv |
- Financial Derivatives Toolbox. |
ftseries\ftseries |
- Financial Time Series Toolbox |
ftseries\ftsdemos |
- (No table of contents file) |
ftseries\ftsdata |
- (No table of contents file) |
ftseries\ftstutorials |
- (No table of contents file) |
finance\ finance |
- Financial Toolbox. |
finance\calendar |
- Financial Toolbox calendar functions. |
finance\findemos |
- Financial Toolbox demonstration functions. |
finance\finsupport |
- (No table of contents file) |
toolbox\fixpo1nt |
- Fixed-Point Blockset |
fixpoint \fxpdemos |
- Fixed- Point Blockset Demos |
f1xpoint\obsolete |
- Obsolete Fixed-Point Blockset |
fuzzy\ fuzzy |
- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. |
fuzzy \fuzdemos |
- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Demos. |
garch\garch |
- GARCH Toolbox. |
garch\garchdemos |
- (No table of contents file) |
images\ images |
- Image Processing Toolbox. |
images\imdemos |
- Image Processing Toolbox --- demos and sample images |
instrument\ i nst rument |
- Instrument Control Toolbox. |
i nstrument\ Instrumentdemos |
- (No table of contents file) |
Imi\lmictrl |
- LMI Control Toolbox: Control Applications |
Imi\lmilab |
- LMI Control Toolbox |
toolbox\compiler |
- MATLAB Compiler |
toolbox\rptgen |
- , MATLAB Report Generator |
map\map |
- Mapping Toolbox |
map\mapdisp |
- Mapping Toolbox Map Definition and Display. |
map\mapproj |
- Mapping Toolbox Projections. |
mpc \mpccmds |
- Model Predictive Control Toolbox. |
mpc \mpcdemos |
- Model Predictive Control Toolbox |
motdsp\motdsp |
- Motorola DSP Developer's Kit |
motdsp\motdspmex |
- Motorola DSP Developers Kit |
motdspasm\bin |
- (No table of contents file) |
motdsp\motdspblks |
- Motorola DSP Developers Kit block libraries |
motdsp\motdspmasks |
- Motorola DSP blockset mask helper functions. |
motdsp\motdspdemos |
- MOTDSP Toolbox demonstrations and examples: |
mutools\conmands |
- Mu-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox. |
mutools\subs |
- Mu-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox. |
nnet\nnet |
- Neural Network Toolbox. |
nnet\nnutlls |
- (No table of contents file) |
nnet\nncontrol |
- Neural Network Toolbox Control System Functions. |
nnet\nndemos |
- Neural Network Demonstrations. |
nnet\nnobsolete |
- (No table of contents file) |
toolbox\ncd |
- Nonlinear Control Design Blockset |
toolbox\optim |
- Optimization Toolbox. |
toolbox\pde |
- Partial Differential Equation Toolbox. |
powersys\powersys |
- Power System Blockset. |
powersys \ powerdemo |
- Power System Blockset Demos. |
rtw\ada |
- Real -Time Workshop Ada Coder |
targets\ecoder |
- Real -Time Workshop Embedded Coder |
toolbox\reqmgt |
- Requirements Management Interface. |
tool box\ robust |
- Robust Control Toolbox. |
toolbox\sb2sl |
- SB2SL (converts SystemBuild to Simulink) |
signal\signal |
- Signal Processing Toolbox. |
signal \fdatoolgui |
- Signal Processing Toolbox GUI. |
signal \sptoolgul |
- Signal Processing Toolbox GUI |
signal\sigdemos |
- Signal Processing Toolbox Demonstrations. |
rtw\accel |
- Simulink Accelerator |
simulink\mdldiff |
- Model Differencing for Simulink and Stateflow |
simulink\simcoverage |
- Simulink Model Coverage Tool |
toolbox\rptgenext |
- Simulink Report Generator |
toolbox\splines |
- Spline Toolbox. |
toolbox\stats |
- Statistics Toolbox. |
toolbox\symbolic |
- Symbolic Math Toolbox. |
ident\ident |
- System Identification Toolbox. |
ident\idobsolete |
- (No table of contents file) |
ident\idguis |
- (No table of contents file) |
ident\idutils |
- (No table of contents file) |
Ident\iddemos |
- (No table of contents file) |
ident\idhelp |
- (No table of contents file) |
wavelet\wavelet |
- Wavelet Toolbox. |
wavelet\wavedemo |
- Wavelet Toolbox Demonstrations. |
xpc\xpc |
- xPC Target |
build\xpcblocks |
- (No table of contents file) |
xpc\xpcdemos |
- xPC Target -- demos and sample script files. |
kernel \embedded |
- xPC Target Embedded Option |
MATLABR12\work |
- (No table of contents file) |
For more help on |
directory/topic, type "help topic". |
Этот внушительный список дает наглядное представление о пакетах прикладных программ - пакетах инструментов (пакетах расширений) (toolbox), увеличивающих возможности системы MATLAB и содержащих массу серьезных примеров применения системы.